Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ok why am I writing this -- coz I have nothing else to do and why am I continuing to write this -- coz I don't have anything else to continue with either -- my life is just a chemical reaction -- not exactly coz I don't like chemistry (whatever that does mean) and about my life - I exactly don't know exactly maybe -- ok then -- after a long time -- a really long time a story -- just writing anything and everything that comes to my mind -- without editing -- so read on your own risk -- if the following content damages your brain working in any manner or breaks your beliefs regarding anything -- then do blame yourself coz it doesn't matter to me :)

Any coincidence ** ** ** * ** * ** * ** * * * ** * * will be totally conincidental .

Green fiels, red sky and some chocolate storm -- that is how you can describe this guy's weird dreams -- this guy who lives the orange desert of the rocky mountains and does his studying by teaching human type character to other life forms and giving them an ice candy made of strawberry flavour that tastes like a magnetic pyjama hanging in the corridor of John Nash's mercedes that came first in digging a hole through the mind a hundred times the intensity of light -- ok that was no imagination -- now just for some time -- let me imagine something -- well imagine and write as well - that's too much work to do all of together - so let's divide it -- na, maza nahi aayega !

ok here it goes

This person who had just been married to the one he loved and had a nice job and was on the perk of happiness of his life - in his happiness took his wife to Manali and they had an accident - the accident was cute and nice but then they decided they should have a child insted, just joking (or if you like, pj-ing) but anyway - he was in the hospital and then and there he laid and felt as if all those he ever knew in this world didn't exist anymore -- this was more of a weird feeling, but even more was it's effect on him -- could he live to continue living ? could he find some one else whom he could be friendly with -- but anyways -- he had nobody coming there to ask if he was alright or not and anyway he would be better off in another world than be in this to see his wife dead or as good as dead. Anyway, he continues to think, that everyone is gone - he, as the instruments around him give the idea, is in some future time and now he has to live alone and just then a nurse comes and he sees her and passes a smile which is returned back and now starts to think that all relationships are just for time pass - an essential ingredient in the meal call the necessity of life, infact we just wrap ourselves around other people coz we can't live without it - loneliness is the thing we live to kill - that's it and as I recall that one of my Hindi textbooks had this written in it that man is a truly social animal and ... ... solitary confinement is one of the worst punishments that can be given ( I think the chapter was by Bhai Parmanand). So he thinks that if he want to live, that is in the case in which he wants to live he should just get acquainted with people and he tries to ask the nurse her name - but - what - he can't speak - he's trying to but can't so now what - how does he ask her her name or anything and why the hell isn't he thinking about him being dumb -- don't know but don't think that matter, ----- ok a pause --- a good Hindi song is going on ....

so rest of the story afterwards (that mostly never comes) coz I am feeing sleepy right now -- so and anyway I wasn't imagining the story - I was semi-imagining it as how else could I write it at the smae time ????

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