Friday, December 01, 2006

well this was my status msg some time on gtalk and it didn't appear completely, so I am more than completing it here (which I would have done otherwise too) :

why do I try to customise my desktop and almost everything in my life when life itself can't be customised. ........ Luck, the random part of life, is what makes it fun, else it would be boring but we usually try to customise things, the things we do in routine -- routine which is against the random spirit of life , so live don't customize . . . . . . . . . . . We live to have good things in life -- but good things aren't the ones that are making you live - it is the struggle to get them and avoiding the unpleasant things as much as possible.

That's the truth of human life (maybe) -- we live and try to do things that we think we want to do or doing things that are done just in the flow of life (might be boring things, infact really boring, and might even be something we really don't wanna do -- just damnit doing them) or do things to pass time (we pass time some time just like it or when we need to -- i.e. we have nothing else to do -- but, maybe, most of the times it's a hybrid of both) or doing things that need to be done in order to "live" -- (like the life of a prisoner or some hijacked -- basically something like that) . So in the end we are just doing what will be done by us -- you just do what you do -- nothing else --- and what you do is not something great -- it's just a response by you ( a system ) to your circumstances and what all we feel is just something that in included in the response of the not us to us , any great feeling, any good feeling, any bad incident are all just there -- they are not good or bad -- they are what we like or not -- moral values, it is said that everyone in their heart knows should be there, some obvious things are there in the world which are wrong and should not be done -- but no wrong -- it is just unpleasant to think of such things -- cruel is a word given to an activity that induces a particular type of mental unpleasantness - and I suppose that among those doing it (with their own will), there will be many that not only not feel the unpleasantness but enjoy it instead -- so can it be said to be good for them and bad according to the others ?? Well maybe good and bad is some standard that is more acceptable -- or in other words many people feel the same thing -- but they might also be doing some thing that is "conventionally bad" but whatever whosoever might be doing -- everyone is just doing what they ought to be doing -- there is no purpose to anything -- purpose just like many other words is just a human invented word -- and now when people are too free to think like me, they try to associate this word to things like life and all -- well hell purpose is just something you are going to do -- doesn't mean you live for it -- and when you know it's not the purpose that makes you live but you trying to get it (infact many of them one after the another), then you are, maybe, going to lose a purpose to many a lot things and well I think that should be better -- you tried to get a purpose to something you shouldn't have and you end up losing purposes to things you normally have - some so often every day routine things -- you just think what's the use of it -- well it might help you to get rid (well I don't think so) of just going through life doing the (boring) things that come in our lazy way, But where does that bring me now -- just living not knowing what to do -- not interested to do anything (well actually not -- we are just machines and machines have reactions (no need to think chemical here) going on all the time and we react/respond accordingly) and well here I am - just there - now what -- a man put in the centre of a crossroad of some planet and he doesn't have any previous memory (just made now or maybe mind-formatted) -- not knowing anything -- just seeing this world -- well he will just do things but will just do -- for no reason except for just doing them -- and that's where I am -- just doing them I don't know what I am doing them for and bla bla bla bla bla bla -- why am I even writing this blog - this makes no sense -- well may be I write blogs because I enjoy the typing it involves but still why am I writing stuff like this -- it doesn't even give me any pleasure -- well I think it's just like that and for nothing else but still .... Ok new para man.

So now what -- things seem too unimportant now for me to pursue -- coz of this factor called luck ------ hey I just realized that I didn't implement what I had written that I would know what 1 is , anyway I don't really finish many things and bla bla bla .. Haji Ali song is going on by the way -- baba haji ali baba haji ali -- piya haji ali piya haji ali piya haji ali piya oh -- ok anyway - no purpose and just going on - should I continue with that or should I continue writing this blog post -- well I don't know ok something I had thought of putting at the end of this blog post but now - as a change - I am putting it right now -- it's a message (most probably forwarded) to me by Apoorva on orkut, so here it goes the intersting thing (the only one in this blog) :


U know you live in 2006 when...

1. You go to a party, sit down and take pics

2. You haven't played solitaire with real cards in years.

3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they
don't have MSN/Bebo/MySpace.

4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just
pushing the button on the TV.

6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer.

7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling.

8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this.

9. You were too busy to notice number five.

10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five.

11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity.

12. Repost if you fell for it. You know you did


well after reading this (and laughing and all), I also felt a little bad -- I don't know why - just another emotion (maybe perhaps) but anyway life goes no matter what the hell it is and will always go on for everybody -- but I am satisfied with this - just not satisfied -- well maybe I actually am satisfied - and now that I am thinking about it - I think that my non-satisfaction is interesting -- uh the changing patterns of the brain -- just happen things but anyway all this - if it's a reaction will continue -- and if not -- well does it matter - does anything -- in the end -- what end -- what are we thinking here -- much of our thinking of some such issues is so badly framed by the society (society includes media and all) that I think I will have to start thinking every like think from the beginning/scratch whatever - so here goes the clogging of my brain -- not thinking anything -- so I shall let it be - no worrying the little old junk rusted 3&&!$*DFFS brain. Ok but I shall end this blog in leet .

/ * * * * * * 7H3 3nd * * * * * * /

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